HoFM is apparently inspired by a true story, my curiosity only grows.

Against her better judgment, battling her moral compass, Sara finds herself falling for her new friend as her intrigue for his 'work' continues to grow. Sara plans to publish a book to help abused children while her new friend's plight tugs at her curiosity. In an impromptu heart to heart they connect, in furiously unweaving their troublesome, unusual and emotionally scarring childhoods they become obsessed and enamored with each other.

Sebastian's sanity continues to slide from his grasp. The lines become blurred as he starts to hallucinate with bloody visions clawing at his psyche (Lady Macbeth, anyone?) A confrontation erupts when Sara's concerned father (the aforementioned John Morghen) chooses to visit Sebastian uninvited. Thankfully his ailment restricts his discovering more of his daughter's friend, though he does show a dark side of his very own. In wishing to leave a copy of her recently published work, Sara gives in to uncontrollable urges and gets caught watching some of Sebastian's work that he rather wishes her not to see. In a twist the viewer gets to know more of Sebastian, I won't give any (more) spoilers but suffice it to say it's another blatant nod to (a genre defining film from the 50's) Peeping Tom. The cult feature is previously mentioned when Sara stated she wanted to see it as she stood next to a poster advertising it. It is obviously a huge influential work for this film's director.