TMMN Friday: Cult gets Blood Soaked4/10/2015 0 Comments
Welcome to another Friday review for our partners, The Movie & Music Network, Scribbler horror fans! Don’t forget to stop by and subscribe to their service for about the price of a cup of coffee a month! Their new deal with Amazon means they have some amazing content on its way very soon so get in while the gettin’s good! Also if you have some change in your couch cushions stop by the new 99 Cent Network and build your own awesome movie collection with the awesome deal of 3 movies for 99 cents or 10 for just $1.99! That’s crazy! This week, Cult gets his hands dirty or more accurately…
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TMMN Friday: Can Zombie Christ save Feind?3/13/2015 0 Comments
Welcome to another Friday review for our partners, The Movie & Music Network, Scribbler horror fans! Don’t forget to stop by and subscribe to their service for about the price of a cup of coffee a month! Their new deal with Amazon means they have some amazing content on its way very soon so get in while the gettin’s good! Also if you have some change in your couch cushions stop by the new 99 Cent Network and build your own awesome movie collection with the awesome deal of 3 movies for 99 cents or 10 for just $1.99! That’s crazy! This week, Feind finds religion at the hands of…
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TMMN Friday: Cult Takes a Deadly Detour3/6/2015 0 Comments
Welcome to another Friday review for our partners, The Movie & Music Network, Scribbler horror fans! Don’t forget to stop by and subscribe to their service for about the price of a cup of coffee a month! Their new deal with Amazon means they have some amazing content on its way very soon so get in while the gettin’s good! Also if you have some change in your couch cushions stop by the new 99 Cent Network and build your own awesome movie collection with the awesome deal of 3 movies for 99 cents or 10 for just $1.99! That’s crazy! This week, Cult loses his way and takes a...
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TMMN Friday: Feind finds a Banshee!!!2/27/2015 0 Comments
Welcome to another Friday review for our partners, The Movie & Music Network, Scribbler horror fans! Don’t forget to stop by and subscribe to their service for about the price of a cup of coffee a month! Their new deal with Amazon means they have some amazing content on its way very soon so get in while the gettin’s good! Also if you have some change in your couch cushions stop by the new 99 Cent Network and build your own awesome movie collection with the awesome deal of 3 movies for 99 cents or 10 for just $1.99! That’s crazy! This week Feind stops by for…
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TMMN Friday: Cult visits a Corpse2/20/2015 0 Comments
Welcome to another Friday review for our partners, The Movie & Music Network, Scribbler horror fans! Don’t forget to stop by and subscribe to their service for about the price of a cup of coffee a month! Their new deal with Amazon means they have some amazing content on its way very soon so get in while the gettin’s good! Also if you have some change in your couch cushions stop by the new 99 Cent Network and build your own awesome movie collection with the awesome deal of 3 movies for 99 cents or 10 for just $1.99! That’s crazy! This week Cult stops by for…
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TMMN takes Feind to the Slaughterhouse!2/13/2015 2 Comments
Welcome to another Friday review for our partners, The Movie & Music Network, Scribbler horror fans! Don’t forget to stop by and subscribe to their service for about the price of a cup of coffee a month! Their new deal with Amazon means they have some amazing content on its way very soon so get in while the gettin’s good! Also if you have some change in your couch cushions stop by the new 99 Cent Network and build your own awesome movie collection with the awesome deal of 3 movies for 99 cents or 10 for just $1.99! That’s crazy! Not sure if TMMN is for you? Check them out at your leisure with their new Free Movie of the Day! No fuss, no muss just free movies! In the meantime Old Man Feind stopped by this Friday the 13th taking a trip to…
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It’s Finally Friday once again Scribbler fans so you know what that means… The Scribblers paid a visit tour awesome partners, The Movie & Music Network, to view another wonderful slice of horror! Be sure to stop by and subscribe today! Check out numerous Scribbler reviews of their films HERE and now you can stop by for a free flick everyday with TMMN’s Movie of the Day. Like what you see? Subscribe, it’s that easy. Can’t subscribe but have some couch change? Then stop by the new 99 Cent Network and get 3 awesome flicks for just 99 cents! That’s insane!
Today Cult gets preyed upon by something hungry and human shaped but will he become… ![]() TMMN Friday: Feind hears an Evil Laugh1/30/2015 0 Comments
It’s Friday once again Scribbler fans so you know what that means… The Scribblers paid a visit to our awesome partners, The Movie & Music Network, to view another wonderful bit of horror. Be sure to stop by and subscribe today! Check out our numerous reviews HERE and stop by for a FREE movie every day for the new TMMN Movie of the Day. Like what you see? Subscribe it’s that easy. Can’t subscribe but have a dollar in your pocket? Then stop by the new 99 Cent Network and get 3 awesome flicks for just 99 cents! That’s a helluva deal! Today Feind takes a trip back to the 80s with TMMN only to hear a creepy Evil Laugh!
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Feind Can't Hide From The Chainsaw Killer1/23/2015 0 Comments
It’s finally Friday and that means it’s time for another review for our partners and good friends at The Movie & Music Network! Be sure to stop by to check out all of the films The Scribblers have reviewed at our spot on the Review Channel and while you’re there subscribe! If our reviews aren’t enough to entice you into this awesome deal well TMMN has some new great news that should push you over the edge. They have recently signed an exclusive deal with Amazon to improve site efficiency and enable them to add a ton of new content in the coming days. Work is still going on behind the scenes to get everything working but rest assured they will be better than ever in the matter of a few days. On behalf of TMMN we thank you for your patience. While you wait stop by the new 99 Cent Network to build your own awesome collection!
Welcome Scribbler Horror fans! Old Man Feind stopped by The Movie & Music Network (the Terror Channel is working perfectly btw) to take a look at some low budget 80s throwback horror. Watch your back for the…
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Riki-oh Karate Chops Cult's Heart1/23/2015 0 Comments
It’s finally Friday and that means it’s time for another review for our partners and good friends at The Movie & Music Network! Be sure to stop by to check out all of the films The Scribblers have reviewed at our spot on the Review Channel (this will be back up soon) and while you’re there subscribe! If our reviews aren’t enough to entice you into this awesome deal well TMMN has some new great news that should push you over the edge. They have recently signed an exclusive deal with Amazon to improve site efficiency and enable them to add a ton of new content in the coming days. Work is still going on behind the scenes to get everything working but rest assured they will be better than ever in the matter of a few days. On behalf of TMMN we thank you for your patience. While you wait stop by the new 99 Cent Network to build your own awesome collection!
Cult reviews yet another film for The Movie and Music Network. This time traveling to China for…
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![]() ![]() Scribbler Movie ReviewsFeind loves watching movies of all kinds so if we watch it, we tell whether you should as well. I'll share mostly horror but I also enjoy everything from big Blockbusters to micro-budget Independent films.
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