Thy Demons Be Scribblin
Is All About...
This is the Official Website of horror writer Feind Gottes. I am a metal loving scribbler of the dark macabre tired of conforming to this never ending PG-13 world of barftastic YA (young adult) fiction that claims to appeal to all when it really only appeals to 13 yr old girls. I am NOT here to appeal to nor to appease the masses; I am here to bring you dark twisted tales that hold nothing back written by an adult horror lover for adult horror lovers. You will find no twinkling vampires, lame-ass zombies and absolutely no romance here unless you count unrequited love with dead corpses! I desire nothing more than to share the twisted tales rotting my brain so they can scramble yours instead. I intend to bring you my original horror stories & dark musing poetry as well as reviews that will rip you in two and rape the pieces while I knock back brews from your dead empty skull and make a bong from your bones!
I am the sick bastard your mum warned you about!
Consider yourself warned and Enjoy Our Scribbles!
I am the sick bastard your mum warned you about!
Consider yourself warned and Enjoy Our Scribbles!
The Inspiration
Feind is a metalhead for life so when it came to naming this site I immediately turned to metal for inspiration. I can't even say the name of this site in my head without singing it! In case you're unfamiliar, get familiar!
Scream it with me!
Scream it with me!
About Feind Gottes:
Feind Gottes is a horror scribbler dwelling deep in the heart of the Abyss. He gave up the 9-5 world to scribble horror in service to Our Dark Lord Satan. He has dedicated himself to telling tales of the wretched, sick, twisted and utterly horrific while worshiping at the altar of METAL! published Feind's first short story, Hell Awaits, in the anthology Kill For A Copy edited by Jack Rollins. Feind's second published tale was a piece of flash fiction untitled Tamed Brute included in the free ebook, Flashes Of Darkness: Halloween Special 2015. Later in 2015 Feind's tale Known But Not Named won the Dark Chapter Press holiday flash fiction contest! In the spring of 2016 Dark Chapter Press again published Feind's story, The Bones of Baby Dolls, in the anthology KIDS edited by Stuart Keane. Feind is currently working on rewrites and editing for his first novel, Piece It All Back Together, which took 1st Place in the Dark Chapter Press Prize 2016 (novel writing contest). You can also still get Feind's novella, Harvester Of Sorrow, free which took 23rd place with 558 downloads in a contest at Freeditorial.com. Feind has several short stories and novellas pending approval with different publishers while he works on telling even more nasty tales! You can find all Feind's published work in S Mart.
Feind Gottes is a horror scribbler dwelling deep in the heart of the Abyss. He gave up the 9-5 world to scribble horror in service to Our Dark Lord Satan. He has dedicated himself to telling tales of the wretched, sick, twisted and utterly horrific while worshiping at the altar of METAL! published Feind's first short story, Hell Awaits, in the anthology Kill For A Copy edited by Jack Rollins. Feind's second published tale was a piece of flash fiction untitled Tamed Brute included in the free ebook, Flashes Of Darkness: Halloween Special 2015. Later in 2015 Feind's tale Known But Not Named won the Dark Chapter Press holiday flash fiction contest! In the spring of 2016 Dark Chapter Press again published Feind's story, The Bones of Baby Dolls, in the anthology KIDS edited by Stuart Keane. Feind is currently working on rewrites and editing for his first novel, Piece It All Back Together, which took 1st Place in the Dark Chapter Press Prize 2016 (novel writing contest). You can also still get Feind's novella, Harvester Of Sorrow, free which took 23rd place with 558 downloads in a contest at Freeditorial.com. Feind has several short stories and novellas pending approval with different publishers while he works on telling even more nasty tales! You can find all Feind's published work in S Mart.
Our New Scribblin Contributors!
Check out Feind's fun welcoming introduction to our New Scribblin Maniacs!
About Christopher Zisi:
Christopher J. Zisi recently retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In 25 years as a Special Agent, Mr. Zisi was assigned to the Baltimore field division where he worked mostly criminal investigations. In 2005 (…until retirement), he served as a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) at the FBI’s training academy in Quantico, Virginia. As an SSA, Christopher traveled throughout Asia, Europe, and South America instructing law enforcement personnel. At the FBI Academy, he taught in the FBI’s National Academy, and earned the title of Adjunct Professor from the University of Virginia. During his time at the FBI Academy, Christopher’s passion was research and instruction in caring for law enforcement personnel, and their families, who survived traumatic events.
Born and raised near Boston, Massachusetts, Christopher earned a degree in English from Boston College, and a Juris Doctor from Tulane Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana. He has been married for 22 years to a beautiful and talented musician, and together they have two very musical and talented children. Christopher claims no musical or artistic ability, but is the only one in his family with any love for horror and the paranormal. In the work that follows, the poetry, “artwork,” and ramblings are completely his own and definitely not sanctioned by family, friends, and the former employer.
Born and raised near Boston, Massachusetts, Christopher earned a degree in English from Boston College, and a Juris Doctor from Tulane Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana. He has been married for 22 years to a beautiful and talented musician, and together they have two very musical and talented children. Christopher claims no musical or artistic ability, but is the only one in his family with any love for horror and the paranormal. In the work that follows, the poetry, “artwork,” and ramblings are completely his own and definitely not sanctioned by family, friends, and the former employer.
About Kiernan Fisher:
Attack of the Couch Potato is Kieran, a movie geek and journalist from Scotland who has a particular fondness for genre cinema, especially crime films, horror and exploitation trash. He also has a beard and a dog. The reason Couch became a blogger was not only to share his thoughts on what he watches, but also to connect with like minded people around the world who share his love for movies and like to talk about them. Thanks to the online film fan community, he's met a lot of great people and discovered a lot of hidden cinematic gems. His all time favorite film is Kill List and he's a huge Cenobite enthusiast. His favorite actor is Brendan Gleeson and he's an unabashed Bruce Campbell fanboy.
Be sure to visit Attack of the Couch Potato
for even more awesome movie reviews
for even more awesome movie reviews
About Kevin Hurtack:
Kevin Hurtack studied antediluvian languages and theology at Miskatonic University. According to local authorities, he disappeared while investigating rumors of another grimoire written by the ‘Mad Arab’ Abdul Alhazred in the seaport town of Innsmouth. Rumors persist that Kevin Hurtack has been seen in the Rocky Mountain region, but authorities deny these claims.
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